ED-14 and DO-160 have been in existence for a long time and were initially a set of simple procedures and limits used to guarantee a minimum quality level regarding robustness of airborne equipment. Since they were first introduced their purpose has evolved and many sections aim to provide environmental stress conditions as similar as possible to actual inflight conditions, in particular when systems providing safety related functions are concerned. This has resulted in more complex considerations and consequently a need to provide more guidance to the user of the documents that are now published in a ED-234.
WG-14 works in coordination with RTCA SC-135 Environmental Test.

ED-90B Radio frequency susceptibility Test procedures - Status: Published

ED-14G Ch 1 Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment - Status: Published - publication date: 03/07/2015

ED-234 User Guides Supplement to ED-14G - Status: Published - publication date: 03/07/2015

ED-14G Environmental Conditions and Test procedures for airborne equipment - Status: Published - publication date: 09/09/2011

ED-14H Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2026

ED-234A User Guides to ED-14H - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2028

Chairperson: Marc Poncon, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Secretary: Philippe CHENEBAULT, DASSAULT AVIATION Julien Floch, Emitech Eric DELESALLE, SAFRAN

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

The SG is tasked to develop an environmental qualification document that will specify requirements and procedures for
surface-based (not airborne) equipment in the UAS Detect and Avoid, the Command and Control Link,
and Control Station Equipment.


ED-xxx Minimum Standard Environmental Test Conditions for UAS Ground Based Equipment - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2026

Chairperson: Haim Shimens, Israel Aerospace Industries

Secretary: Justo Novo, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

The main activity of EUROCAE WG-28 for the past years has been on standards for Ground Based Augmentation Systems (GBAS).
The major achievements were the revision A of ED-114 (“MOPS for Global Navigation Satellite GBAS Ground Equipment to support Category I Operations”) published in 2013 and the recent publication of Change 1 to ED-114A that results from a maintenance work to correct issues that have been detected during various GBAS CAT-I implementation programs.

ED-72A MOPS for airborne GPS receiving equipment used for supplemental means of navigation - Status: Published - publication date: 01/04/1997

ED-95 MASPS for a global navigation satellite system ground based augmentation system to support Cat 1 operations - Status: Published - publication date: 01/10/1999

ED-114B change1 MOPS Global Navigation Satellite GBAS Ground Equipment to support Precision Approach and Landing - Status: Published - publication date: 16/11/2022

ED-114B Change 1 Corr 1 MOPS Global Navigation Satellite GBAS Ground Equipment to support Precision Approach and Landing - with Corrigendum 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 06/08/2024

ED-114B MOPS For Global Navigation Satellite Ground Based Augmentation System Ground Equipment To Support Precision Approach and Landing - Status: Published - publication date: 18/10/2019

Internal Report Preliminary material for future Multi-Constellation Multi-Frequency GBAS MOPS - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

Secretary: Linda LAVIK, Indra Navia AS

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

The primary task of WG-31 is to prepare technical standards, specifications, guides and any other material required to support the development of regulation and the certification of aircraft in relation to the hazard of lightning and Electrostatics (P-Static and In-tank ESD).

ER-XXX Guidance material supporting the application of ED-14H Section 22 - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2026

ED-81 Certification of aircraft electrical/electronic systems for the indirect effects of lightning - Status: Published - publication date: 01/05/1996

ED-84A Aircraft Lightning Environment and Related Waveforms - Status: Published - publication date: 01/07/2013

ED-105A Aircraft Lightning Test Method - Status: Published - publication date: 01/07/2013

ED-107A Guide to certification of Aircraft in a High Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF) Environment - Status: Published - publication date: 01/07/2010

ED-113 Aircraft lightning direct effects certification - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2002

ED-152 Aircraft Precipitation Static Certification - Status: Published - publication date: 01/06/2010

ER-002 Policy Guidance for Fuel Tank Structural Lightning Protection Policy - Status: Published - publication date: 01/02/2011

ED-84B Aircraft Lightning Environment and Related Test Waveforms - Status: Open consultation

ED-248A Guide to civil aircraft electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

ED-113A Aircraft Lightning Direct Effects Certification - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2026

ED-158A User Manual for certification of aircraft Electrical Electronic systems for the indirect effects - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2025

ED-xxx Guidance for fuel tank certification regarding electrostatic risk - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2026

ER-021 Report and Outcome of Round Robin Camera Detection Process Verification and Validation - Status: Published - publication date: 26/08/2020

ED-xxx Assurance guide for use of simulation and modelling in support of certification processes for HIRF - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

ED-107B Guide to certification of aircraft in a High Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF) environment - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

ED-XXX Users guide to ED-14 Section 22 and to ED-14 Section 23 - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

ED-303 User Guide for Lightning Protection of Fuel Tank Structures and Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 25/04/2023

ED-xxx Qualification test for indirect and direct effects - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2023

ED-91A Lightning Zoning - Status: Published - publication date: 10/01/2019

ED-105B Aircraft Lightning Test Methods - Status: Open consultation

ED-158 User Manual for certification of aircraft Electrical and Electronic systems for the indirect effects of lightning - Status: Published - publication date: 15/04/2020

ED-248 Guide to Civil Aircraft Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Status: Published - publication date: 22/01/2018

Chairperson: Franck Flourens, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Secretary: Dan Morgan, Element Materials Technology Warwick

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

The WG-31 Steering Committee consists of the Working Group leadership, the task team leaders, EASA, and other participants as required.



Chairperson: Christelle Kutyla, Airbus Group (Inactive) Franck Flourens, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Secretary: Dan Morgan, Element Materials Technology Warwick

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

WG-41 is tasked to develop and update MASPS, MOPS and Guidelines for A-SMGCS in alignment with EUROCONTROL operational concepts and requirements, and to provide technical inputs in the areas of implementation of A-SMGCS related to EUROCONTROL developments, EC research projects and ICAO specific requirements. The deliverables of WG-41 are part of the requirements of the Pilot Common Project PCP, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No IR 716/2014.

ED-116 MOPS for surface movement radar sensor systems for use in advanced surface movement guidance and control systems (A-SMGCS) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/01/2004

ED-117A MOPS for Mode S Multilateration Systems for Use in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2016

ED-128 Guidelines for Surveillance Data Fusion in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Levels 1 and 2 - Status: Published - publication date: 01/10/2007

ED-128A Guidelines for the implementation and operation of A-SMGCS - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

ED-xxx Interoperability Standard for Data Exchange for A-SMGCS - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

ED-87E MASPS for A-SMGCS including Airport Safety Support Service Routing Service and Guidance Service - Status: Published - publication date: 11/05/2022

Chairperson: Roy Posern, Fraport AG

Secretary: Vasileios Stefanioros, EASA

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

EUROCAE WG-44 has developed standards for user requirements for terrain and obstacle data, user requirements for aerodrome mapping information, and interchange standards for terrain, obstacle, and aerodrome mapping data as well as guidelines for the verification and validation of Aerodrome Mapping Databases (AMDB) and Aerodrome Surface Routing Network (ASRN) for routing applications.
Today, the scope of the work includes also standards for processing aeronautical data and standards for aeronautical information.

ED-76B Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data - Status: Published - publication date: 01/07/2024

ED-77B User Requirements for Navigation Data - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2025

ED-83 Recommendations on ground collision avoidance systems - Status: Published - publication date: 01/04/1998

ED-98C User Requirements for Terrain and Obstacle Data - Status: Published - publication date: 01/10/2015

ED-99D User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Information - Status: Published - publication date: 01/10/2015

ED-119C Interchange Standards for Terrain, Obstacle and Aerodrome Mapping Data - Status: Published - publication date: 01/10/2015

ED-220 Guidelines for the Verification and Validation of AMDB ASRN for routing applications - Status: Published - publication date: 01/03/2013

ER-009 Guidance material for the generation of aerodrome mapping database - Status: Published - publication date: 01/12/2012

ED-302 Considerations for Aeronautical Data Alteration - Status: Published - publication date: 24/06/2022

ED-77A User Requirements for Navigation Data - Status: Published - publication date: 12/02/2019

Next meeting: 22/10/2024

Chairperson: Stephane Dubet, DSNA


Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

WG-49 has been reactivated to perform maintenance on the Mode S Transponder MOPS ED-73E and ED-115. It will work joint with RTCA SC-209.
The Mode S Secondary Surveillance Radar transponder system is a key element of ATM surveillance. It supports different applications including Mode S Elementary surveillance, Mode S Enhanced Surveillance, ADS-B surveillance applications and anti-collision applications such as ACAS. The interoperability of the Mode S transponder with other systems used on board aircraft or on the ground is crucial to achieve a safe and efficient ATM Operation.
During the revision experience from the operational use of Mode S will be integrated and problems detected will be corrected. Furthermore support for new procedures such as Interval Management will be implemented which requires the exchange of information between aircraft. Access to real-time environmental data such as wind, temperature and turbulence will also be realised. Spectrum protection is an additional topic that may require adaptations to the transponder implementations. Finally, preparing the transponder for new functionalities required by ACAS Xu will be an additional task.
During this activity, WG-49 will work in close cooperation with WG-51 ADS-B, WG-75 Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems and WG-73 Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Furthermore, WG-49 cooperates with RTCA SC-209. To facilitate this complex cooperation, a Combined Surveillance Committee has been set up.

ED-82A MOPS for Mode S aircraft data link processors - Status: Published - publication date: 01/11/1999

ED-86 Equipment characteristic for Mode S transponders with extended interface functions (mark 4 transponder) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/07/1997

ED-115 MOPS for light aviation secondary surveillance radar transponders - Status: Published - publication date: 01/08/2002

ED-73F Ch. 1 Change 1 to ED-73F MOPS for Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders - Status: Published - publication date: 25/01/2022

ED-115A Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Light Aviation Secondary Surveillance Radar Transponders - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/11/2023

ED-73F MOPS for Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders - Status: Published - publication date: 21/12/2020

Chairperson: Eric Potier, EUROCONTROL

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

The scope of the WG-51 standardisation activity covers all elements of ground and aircraft infrastructure elements specific to ADS-B, in support of both ground use (“ADS-B Out”) and aircraft use (“ADS-B In”). The ADS-B link technology elements covered by WG-51 are ADS-B 1090 MHz Extended Squitter (joint activity with RTCA SC-186) and VDL4 (WG-51 European-only activity, currently dormant). In addition, WG-51 develops Technical Specifications for composite ADS-B Out / Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) Systems.
WG-51 is organised as a Plenary group and four Sub-Groups of which three are currently active. These Sub-groups are responsible for the development of standard material in the following Domains:
- 1090 MHz Extended Squitter MOPS and maintenance thereof (SG-1);
- SPR documents for ADS-B airborne and ground surveillance applications as well as aircraft system MOPS (and possibly MASPS) material (SG-3);
-Technical Specifications for ADS-B and Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) composite surveillance Systems (SG-4).
In the development of ED-102B/DO-260C, WG-51 works in coordination with RTCA SC-186 Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast. Furthermore WG-51 is part of the Combined Surveillance Committee with WG-49 and RTCA SC-209.

ED-108A MOPS for VDL Mode 4 Aircraft Transceiver - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2005

ED-126 SPR/Interop document for NRA ADS-B application - Status: Published - publication date: 01/12/2006

ED-156A ADS-B Application Interoperability Requirements for VDL Mode 4 - Status: Published - publication date: 01/03/2010

ED-159 Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ATSA-ITP Application - Status: Published - publication date: 01/07/2008

ED-159 Supplement Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for the In-Trail Procedure in Oceanic Airspace (ATSA-ITP) Application - Status: Published - publication date: 01/07/2012

ED-160 Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Enhanced Visual Separation on Approach (ATSA-VSA) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/12/2008

ED-161 Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ADS-B-RAD Application - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2009

ED-163 SPR and Interop for ATSA ADS-B-APT - Status: Published - publication date: 01/12/2010

ED-164 Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Enhanced Traffic Situational Awareness During Flight Operations (ATSA-AIRB) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/03/2010

ED-165 ATSA SURF SPR and Interop - Status: Published - publication date: 01/12/2010

ED-232 SPR for Traffic Situational Awareness with Alerts (TSAA) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/06/2014

ED-233 Safety and Performance Requirements Document for CDTI Assisted Visual Separation (CAVS) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/06/2014

Chairperson: Johan Martensson, EUROCONTROL

Secretary: Jorg Steinleitner, EUROCONTROL

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Development and maintenance of the ADS-B 1090 MHz Extended Squitter MOPS.


ED-102B Ch. 2 MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B and TIS-B Change 2 - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

ED-102B Ch. 1 MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B and TIS-B Change 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 25/01/2022

ED-102B MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B and TIS-B - Status: Published - publication date: 06/01/2021

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Development of SPR documents for ADS-B airborne and ground surveillance applications as well as aircraft system MOPS (and possibly MASPS) material


ED-194B Ch. 1 Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Aircraft Surveillance Applications - Change 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 08/07/2024

ED-236A Ch. 1 Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Flight-deck Interval Management (FIM) Change 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 21/12/2020

WG51-210 Internal Report: Summary of Activities and Proposed Changes to ED-194B and ED-236A - Status: Approved

IR-WG51-215 Internal Report Summary of Activities and Proposed Changes to ED-194B and ED-236A - Phase 2 - Status: Approved

ED-194B Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System - Status: Published - publication date: 03/07/2020

ED-195B Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Airborne Spacing Flight-deck Interval Management (ASPA-FIM) - Status: Published - publication date: 31/03/2020

ED-236A Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Flight-deck Interval Management (FIM) - Status: Published - publication date: 06/04/2020

Chairperson: Bogdan Petricel, EUROCONTROL

Secretary: Nico De Gelder, NLR

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Development of a Technical Specification (TS) for a composite ADS-B/WAM System.


ED-129D Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Surveillance System - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2026

ED-129C Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Surveillance System - Status: Published - publication date: 19/10/2023

Chairperson: Johan Martensson, EUROCONTROL Michael Garcia, Aireon

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Develop Revision A to ED-142 'Technical Specification for Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) Systems'.


ED-142B Technical Specification for Wide Area Multilateration Surveillance System with Composite Surveillance Functionality - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2028

ED-142A Technical Specification for Wide Area Multilateration Surveillance System - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2025

Chairperson: Johan Martensson, EUROCONTROL Michael Garcia, Aireon

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

WG-59 has published ED-133 "Flight Object Interoperabilty" in 2009.

Based on experience acquired during the implementation of this specification and driven by requirements in the scope of the Pilot Common Project (PCP), WG-59 was reactivated to produce Revision A of ED-133.

Because of technical and interoperability issues it was decided that further validation work is required in order to develop a stable set of technical and operational requirements. These validation activities are currently carried out under the lead of the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU). It is expected that the results of this validation will be used by WG-59 for the update of ED-133 starting in the course of 2020.

ED-133 Flight Object Interoperability Specifications (FOIS) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/06/2009

ED-133A Flight Object Interoperability - Status: Open consultation

Chairperson: Andres Grijalba, ENAIRE

Secretary: Manuel Benitez, Indra Sistemas

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

1. The WG-62 develops standards for the use of GALILEO and other GNSS systems in civil aviation applications.
• One aspect of this strategy is to discuss and make recommendations to the Galileo project on points of concern from civil aviation equipment manufacturers and users.
• The other aspect of this strategy is to produce the necessary regulatory framework for the development of GNSS receivers using Galileo and other GNSS systems, mainly the Minimum Operational Performance Standards MOPS.

2. The WG-62 works jointly with RTCA SC-159 WG-2 to establish common standards for the development of GNSS receivers using Galileo and other GNSS systems
• A regular and strong coordination with RTCA is required to ensure the wide acceptance of the standards for the development of GNSS receivers using Galileo abd other GNSS systems.

3. The WG-62 supports the use of EGNOS and other SBAS systems
• Several SBAS systems are certified for safety of life operations (EGNOS over Europe and WAAS over USA …). WG-62 provides a forum for SBAS users, to capture the lessons learnt from the implementation of SBAS services in EUROCAE standardisation documents and insure interoperability at the user level.
• The group will develop DFMC standards and ensure coordination with other regional constellation.

ED-259A Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Dual-Frequency Multi-Constellation Satellite-Based Augmentation System Airborne Equipment - Status: Published - publication date: 11/10/2023

ED-259B MOPS for Dual-Frequency Multi-Constellation Satellite-Based Augmentation System Airborne Equipment - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2026

Chairperson: Pierre Bouniol, Thales Group

Secretary: Mikael Mabilleau, European Union Agency for the Space Programme – EUSPA

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

WG-62 SG-1 is in charge of the development of the Internal Report on Beidou System and BDSBAS


IR-XXX Internal Report on Beidou System and BDSBAS - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

WG-63 is concerned with aircraft, systems and equipment having safety implications, throughout aircraft life cycle.
The WG-63 objective is to provide industry with guidelines relating to the safety of aircraft, systems and equipment both as part of development and in-service continued airworthiness. To this end, the working group will publish specific standards reflecting industrial practices that relate to the safety aspects of development and certification and continued airworthiness of aircraft systems, and their in-service continued airworthiness.
Currently, WG-63 is engaged (or has undertaken to engage) in the joint development of the following safety related guidelines:
- Guidelines and methods for conducting the safety and assessment process on civil airborne systems and equipment (ED-135/SAE ARP 4761A)
- Development of Atmospheric Neutron Single Event Effects Analysis for Use in Safety Assessments (ER-008/SAE AIR6219)
- Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems (ED-79B/ARP4754B)
The work is carried out jointly with SAE S-18.

ER-023 Development Assurance Principles for Aerospace Vehicles and Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 07/10/2022

ER-005 Contiguous Aircraft/System Development Process Example - Status: Published - publication date: 17/08/2012

ER-030 Industry Guidance to Address Common Mode Errors in Aircraft-System Designs - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2023

ER-XXX Industry Guidance to consider IHA in aircraft - systems development and safety assessment processes - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2024

ER-xxx Industry Guidance to consider Model Based Engineering in Development Process - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/01/2024

IR-xxx Delta analysis between 14CFR 25.1309 and CS25.1309 - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/07/2025

ED-135 Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment - Status: Published - publication date: 20/12/2023

ED-79B Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 20/12/2023

ER-008 Development of Atmospheric Neutron Single Event Effects Analysis for Use in Safety Assessments - Status: Published - publication date: 28/05/2018

ER-xxx ED-79B Clarification Notice - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/09/2025

ER-xxx System and Aircraft Development Assurance Phase Reviews - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/07/2026

IR-xxx Information on ED-79B main changes - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

IR-xxx Information about novelties introduced by ED-135 - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

ER-xxx Use of STPA During Development and Safety Assessment of Civil Aircraft - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2022

Chairperson: Olivier Durou, Airbus Group (Inactive) Franck Ybert, SAFRAN

Secretary: Claire Lucas, Rolls-Royce

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

This WG will develop a EUROCAE report evaluating the applicability of existing development assurance and system safety practices to UAS and VTOL


ER-xxx Applicability of Existing Development Assurance and System Safety Practices to UAS and VTOL - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2022

Chairperson: Doris Abran, SAFRAN

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

Sub-group dedicated to Safety Analysis Human Factors - equivalent to S-18 SG-H


ER-XXX Human Considerations for Functional Hazard Assessments - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

Chairperson: Rodolphe DEGUILHEM, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

After the publications of ED-136, EDs-137 and ED-138 as from 2009 and latest updates of ED-137C published in May 2020, the current objective of WG-67 is to update ED-136 and ED-138 to version A according to the EUROCAE update process. ED-136A will address the introduction of a number of safety critical services and related environments for the application of Voice over IP (VoIP) for ATM such as remote ATSU operations, contingency scenarios, dynamic airspace configuration, flight centric operations, RPAS voice services and will allocate safety and performance requirements for each of these services. ED-136A will be structured in two volumes as follows: ED-136/1A Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) and ED-136/2A Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) standard. ED-138A will include the feedback received from current implementations on security and performance associated requirements. ANSPs are using this document as the specification of their Networks.

ED-137C_4 Ch. 1 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 4 Recording - Change 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 10/05/2020

ED-137C_2 Ch. 1 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Change 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 10/05/2020

ED-136 VoIP ATM System Operational and Technical Requirements - Status: Published - publication date: 01/02/2009

ED-137C_1 Ch. 1 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 1 Radio - Change 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 10/05/2020

ED-138 Part 1 Network requirements and performances for voice over internet protocol (VOIP) air traffic management - Status: Published - publication date: 01/02/2009

ED-138 Part 2 Network requirements and performances for voice over internet protocol (VOIP) air traffic management - Status: Published - publication date: 01/02/2009

ED-137C/1 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 1: Radio - Status: Published - publication date: 23/05/2017

ED-137C/2-1 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/2-4 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 4 - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/2-5 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 5 - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/2-6 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 6 - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/2-7 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 7 - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/2-3 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 3 - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/2-8 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 8 - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/2 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/4 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 4: Recording - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/5 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 5 Supervision - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

ED-137C/2-2 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 2 - Status: Published - publication date: 23/04/2019

Next meeting: 21/11/2024


Secretary: Roberto Ugo Weger, SITTI

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Sub-Group-1 of Working Group 67 (Voice on Internet Protocol (VoIP) for ATM Applications) will discuss the evolution of ED-137 Volume 1: Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components - Radio


ED-137C_1 Ch. 2 Interoperability Standard for VoIP ATM Components - Volume 1 Radio - Change 2 - Status: Published - publication date: 05/02/2024

Chairperson: Bernhard Haindl, Frequentis AG

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Sub-Group 2 of Working Group 67 (Voice on Internet Protocol (VoIP) for ATM Applications) will discuss the evolution of ED-137 Volume 2: Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components - Telephone



Chairperson: Wolfgang Kampichler, Frequentis AG

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Sub-Group 3 of Working Group 67 (Voice on Internet Protocol (VoIP) for ATM Applications) will discuss the evolution of ED-137 Volume 4: Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components - Recording


ED-137C4 Change 2 Interoperability Standard for VoIP ATM Components – Volume 4 Recording - Change 2 - Status: Open consultation

Chairperson: Eugen Morjolic, ROHDE SCHWARZ TOPEX

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Sub-Group 4 of Working Group 67 (Voice on Internet Protocol (VoIP) for ATM Applications) will discuss the evolution of ED-137 Volume 5: Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components - Supervision


ED-137C5 Change 1 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 5 Supervision - Change 1 - Status: Open consultation

Chairperson: Roberto Ugo Weger, SITTI

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Sub-Group to draft Revision A for ED-136 split up in two Volumes: Volume 1 - OSED, Volume 2 - SPR


ED-136/1A VoIP ATM System Operational and Technical Requirements Volume 1 - OSED - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

ED-136/2A VoIP ATM System Operational and Technical Requirements Volume 2 - SPR - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

Chairperson: Christophe Leroy, CS Group France

Secretary: Florin Grafu, R.A. ROMATSA

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net



ED-138A Network Requirements and Performances for VoIP ATM Systems - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

Chairperson: Christoph Siebert, Frequentis AG

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

The Forum on Aeronautical Software (FAS) has been established to provide a forum for those involved in the development of aeronautical software to share experiences and good practices and to provide a platform for the exchange of information regarding subjects addressed in the “software document suite”, new and emerging technologies, development methodologies, interesting use cases and other topics related to aeronautical software and related technologies. More information on the FAS and its activities is available here.

Currently there is little guidance or regulatory material published on the subject of Aeronautical System Security. In contrast, there is considerable guidance and regulatory material published on the subject of aeronautical system safety and ground systems security. As safety and security are two distinct but related concepts that interact, the WG will be required to place emphasis on their respective characteristics and dedicated domains of application.
WG-72 is developing Aeronautical System Security guidelines specifying security objectives rather than solutions in order to ensure their stability over time, addressing airborne systems and interfacing ground systems in their end-to-end relationship.
In doing so, WG-72 has adopted a holistic approach, addressing security-related topics throughout the entire lifecycle of products developed, manufactured and operated by many different civil aviation stakeholders.

ER-013A Aeronautical Information System Security Glossary - Status: Published - publication date: 05/07/2021

ED-202A Airworthiness Security Process Specification - Status: Published - publication date: 31/05/2014

ER-017 International Aeronautical Information Security Mapping Summary - Status: Published - publication date: 25/06/2018

Chairperson: Cyrille Rosay, EASA

Secretary: Ted Kalthoff, Archer Aviation

Technical Programme Manager: Anna Guégan, anna.guegan@eurocae.net

This section is restricted to WG-72, SC-216 and SGs leadership for coordination purpose.



Technical Programme Manager: Anna Guégan, anna.guegan@eurocae.net

WG-72 subgroup ED-205: Security Certification and Declaration of ATM ANS Ground Systems


ED-205A Process Standard for Security Certification and Declaration of ATM ANS Ground Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 18/07/2022

Chairperson: Kristof Lamont, EUROCONTROL

Secretary: Jakub Cunat, Egis Aviation UK

Technical Programme Manager: Anna Guégan, anna.guegan@eurocae.net

Development and revision of guidances on Security Event Management and Continuing Airworthiness.


ED-204B Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2027

ED-206A Guidance on Information Security Event Management - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

ED-204A Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness - Status: Published - publication date: 14/09/2020

ED-206 Guidance on Security Event Management - Status: Published - publication date: 28/06/2022

Chairperson: Alain Combes, Airbus Group (Inactive) Andrew Drake, NetJets Inc.

Secretary: Angeliki Karakoliou, EASA

Technical Programme Manager: Anna Guégan, anna.guegan@eurocae.net

WG-72 SG-4 focuses on Aeronautical Information System Security (AISS) Framework.


ED-XXX Information Security Management System for aviation organisations - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

ED-201A Aeronautical Information System Security (AISS) Framework Guidance - Status: Published - publication date: 17/12/2021

Chairperson: Stefan Schwindt, GE Aviation Systems UK Siobvan Nyikos, THE BOEING COMPANY

Secretary: Jakub Cunat, Egis Aviation UK

Technical Programme Manager: Anna Guégan, anna.guegan@eurocae.net

Aviation Data Security


ED-XXX Standard on Aviation Data Security - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2025

Chairperson: Alessandro Oteri, LEONARDO SpA Olivia Stella, Southwest Airlines Co Hannes Alparslan, European Defence Agency (EDA)

Technical Programme Manager: Anna Guégan, anna.guegan@eurocae.net

ED-202B DO-326B Airworthiness Security


ER-XXX FAQ Companion Report to ED-203A - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2025

ED-203A Change Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2025

ED-202B Airworthiness Security Process Specification - Status: Open consultation

Chairperson: Stefan Schwindt, GE Aviation Systems UK Nikita Johnson, Rolls-Royce

Secretary: Patrick Morrissey, Collins Aerospace

Technical Programme Manager: Anna Guégan, anna.guegan@eurocae.net

WG-75 is tasked to develop Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (ACAS) X MOPS as a joint RTCA/EUROCAE activity.

With ACAS X being developed in various variants, also the work of WG-75 will be organised following this specific structure.

ACAS Xa will be the successor of TCAS II and the MOPS will also contain provisions for ACAS Xo designed for specific procedures such as close runway operations.

ACAS Xu will provide requirements for a collision avoidance solution for unmanned aircraft.

Finally, WG-75 will develop a MASPS defining requirements for the interoperability on collision avoidance systems of different designs.

ED-143 Volume I: Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) Volume II: TCAS II Collision Avoidance System (CAS) Requirements Specification Attachment A to Volume II - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2008

ED-143 Ch1 Minimum Operational Performance Standards For Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance - Status: Published - publication date: 01/04/2009

ED-143 Ch2 Minimum Operational Performance Standards For Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance (TCAS II) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/04/2013

ED-221A MOPS for TCAS II Hybrid Surveillance - Status: Published - publication date: 01/12/2015

ED-224 MASPS for Automatic Flight Guidance and Control System coupled to TCAS - Status: Published - publication date: 01/03/2014

ER-001 Evaluation of a proposal to replace TCAS Resolution Advisory “Adjust Vertical Speed” with “Level Off” - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2011

ER-011 Validation of the FGS Coupled to TCAS MASPS Requirements - Status: Published - publication date: 01/11/2013

ED-256A MOPS for ACAS Xa with ACAS Xo Functionality - Status: Published - publication date: 28/06/2023

ED-XXX MOPS for Active Surveillance Systems - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2025

ED-264 Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for the Interoperability of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS) - Status: Published - publication date: 11/09/2020

ED-256 MOPS for ACAS Xa with ACAS Xo functionality - Status: Published - publication date: 23/10/2018

Chairperson: Guido Manfredi, Volocopter GmbH

Secretary: Garfield Dean, EUROCONTROL

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Sub-Group for the development of ACAS XR for rotary aircraft


ED-XXX MOPS for ACAS Xr - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

WG-76 is tasked to define standards for AIS and MET Data Link services.
WG-76 has defined 17 services for the provision of AIS and MET data for downlink, uplink and crosslink.
The work of WG-76 is performed joint with RTCA SC-206 AIS/MET Datalink Services. The detailed service definitions will be contained as an Annex to the MASPS already published by RTCA SC-206 (DO-364).

ED-151 Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and Meteorological (MET) Data Link Services - Status: Published - publication date: 01/12/2007

ED-175 SPR and Interop for aeronautical information and meteorological data link services - Status: Published - publication date: 01/01/2011

ED-XXX Minimum Aviation Systems Performance Standard (MASPS) for AIS and MET Datalink Services - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

Secretary: Macarena Martin Viton, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Update ED-89 to be able to transmit the information of the Global Reporting Format (GRF) in the D-ATIS Data Link Service.


ED-89A Ch. 1 Change 1 to ED-89A Data-Link Application System Document (DLASD) for the “ATIS” Data-Link Service - Status: Published - publication date: 20/07/2023

Chairperson: Jean Luc Thirion, DSNA

Secretary: Macarena Martin Viton, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

With new emerging technologies for the measurement of turbulence and the calculation of the EDR value, a MASPS will be created harmonising the approach to the EDR calculation.


IR WG-76_86 Internal Report on the DO-370 Review - Status: Approved

ED-XXX MASPS for Automated Atmospheric Turbulence Derivation Techniques - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2025

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Develop a Revision to DO-358B/ED-XXX jointly with RTCA SC-206.


ED-XXX Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Flight Information Broadcast (FIS-B) with Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

Develop an Internal Report to describe the standardisation needs associated with aircraft-based meteorological observations.


IR-XXX Recommendation(s) Regarding Possible Standards to Support Aircraft-Based Meteorological Observation Dependent Applications - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2025

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

To advance Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) concepts and support data communication developments for the Next Generation Air Transportation System and the Single European Sky ATM Research initiatives, SC-214/WG-78 shall develop guidance material to define the safety, performance and interoperability requirements for Air Traffic Services (ATS) supported by data communications.

ED-110B Ch2 Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 - Ch 2 - Status: Approval

ED-228B Corr. 1 Safety and Performance Requirements Standard for ATS Data Communication - Corrigendum 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 04/12/2023

ED-229B Corr. 1 Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications - Corrigendum 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 04/12/2023

ED-229B Ch. 1 Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications – Change 1 - Status: Approval

ED-122 Ch. 1 Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) for ATS Oceanic - Status: Published - publication date: 01/02/2011

ED-154A Future Air Navigation System 1/A – Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Interoperability Standard (FANS 1/A – ATN B1 Interop Standard) - Status: Published - publication date: 01/03/2012

ED-231B Ch. 1 INTEROP for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications - ATN Baseline 1 Accommodation - Change 1 - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

ED-120 Ch. 3 Safety and Performance Standard for Air Traffic Data Link Services in Continental Airspace Change 3 - Status: Published - publication date: 23/09/2019

ED-110B Ch1 Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 - Status: Published - publication date: 16/04/2014

ED-231B Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communication ATN Baseline 1 Accomm - Status: Published - publication date: 08/03/2024

ED-230B Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communication - FANS 1A Accomodation - Status: Published - publication date: 08/03/2024

ED-XXX ATS Data Communications Verification Test Standard - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/04/2026

Next meeting: 04/11/2024

Chairperson: Luc Emberger, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

WG-79 is tasked to develop MASPS-level guidance for SVS, EFVS, EVS and combined architectures to identify intended operations and systems architectures and enable the development of MOPS. WG dormant since 2012 and re-activated April 2015.
The group currently works on the following items:
- To review existing ED-179B and evaluate the changes that could benefit to rotorcraft operations;
- To develop MASPS for CGVS;
- To develop MASPS for an Enhanced Flight Vision System for takeoff credit. This work will be performed following SC-213 WG2; and
- To develop MASPS for SVS for aircraft state awareness.
WG-79 works in coordination with RTCA SC-213 Enhanced Flight Vision Systems/Synthetic Vision Systems (EVS/SVS). In addition, WG-79 works closely with EASA to understand in what conditions and direction the European specification could evolve, and to support EASA in this process.

ED-181 Guidance for the Development of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2010

ED-179B MASPS for enhanced vision systems synthetic vision systems combined vision systems and enhanced fl - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2011

ED-xxx MASPS for a Combined Vision System for Helicopter Operations for Low Visibility Operational Credit - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

ED-327 MASPS for EVS CVS EFVS - Status: Open consultation

ED-326 MASPS for SVS SVGS CVS - Status: Open consultation

ED-291 Test Procedures for Quantified Visual Advantage - Status: Published - publication date: 17/05/2021

ED-257 Change 1 SPR and Interoperability Document for Takeoff Minima by Use of EFVS - Status: Published - publication date: 15/09/2020

ED-249 MASPS for Aircraft State Awareness Synthetic Vision Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 11/01/2018

ED-255 MASPS for a Combined Vision System for Helicopter Operations - Status: Published - publication date: 17/01/2019

ED-257 Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document Defining Takeoff Minima by Use of Enhanced Flight Vision Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 10/10/2018

Chairperson: Carlo TIANA, Collins Aerospace

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

WG-80 was established to develop guidelines and collect best practices to support qualification and certification of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems in the various intended applications for aerospace vehicles.

The Hydrogen Fuel Cell activity is part of the more electrical aircraft strategy. It is looking into hydrogen fuel cell technology airborne use cases and certification objectives.

The objective is to look into recommendations, to collect best practices, and to develop guidelines. Performance requirements such as power and reliability are outside the scope of this working group.

WG-80 is working as a joint group with SAE AE-7A.

ED-219 Aircraft Fuel Cell Safety Guidelines - Status: Published - publication date: 01/02/2013

ED-xxx MASPS for Liquid Hydrogen storage and distribution on-board aircraft - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2024

ED-XXX MASPS for Gaseous Hydrogen Storage and Distribution for Small Aircraft - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

ED-XXX MASPS for Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Propulsion - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

ED-245 MASPS for Installation of Fuel Cell Systems on Large Civil Aircraft - Status: Published - publication date: 30/07/2017

ER-020 Considerations for Hydrogen Fuel Cells in Airborne Applications - Status: Published - publication date: 18/11/2019

Chairperson: Olivier Savin, Blue Spirit Aero Beatrice Toussaint, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Secretary: ,

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

The goal is to start with an all-encompassing report for hydrogen fueling and, after publishing, establishing a family of documents covering the various categories of fueling jointly performed with SAE AE-5CH.


ER-xxx Hydrogen Fueling Stations for Airports in both gaseous and liquid form - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2025

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

WG-81 is tasked to analyse the means, opportunities and technical challenges to enhance the functionality and behaviour of real-time platforms by linking different real-time platforms and by incorporating fast-time models and tools in the run. WG-81 also looks into study requirements for this interoperability and examines the requirements for common data interchange standards, data preparation facilities and high-level exchange protocols.

ED-147B ch 1 Supplement to ED-147B ED-147B ch 1 Supplement to ED-147B “Technology Mapping for HLA” - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

ED-147B ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability Specification - Status: Published - publication date: 05/11/2021

ED-148A Guidance to Achieve ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability - Status: Published - publication date: 05/11/2021

Chairperson: Thomas Damm, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

Secretary: Jose Manuel Cordero, ENAIRE

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

WG-82 is tasked to develop a set of documents, some of which are envisaged to be used in the context of ICAO SARPS development or to be recognised as a means of compliance. It is tasked to develop standards relative to new air-ground data link technologies including three components: airport surface, satellite, and en route/TMA L band systems.

ED-243C Ch.2 MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS) - Status: Published - publication date: 07/11/2023

ED-222 Technical Specification: Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communications System (AeroMACS) Profile - Status: Published - publication date: 01/11/2013

ED-227 MASPS for AeroMACS - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2016

ED-242C MASPS for AMS(R)S Data and Voice Communications Supporting RCP and RSP - Status: Published - publication date: 28/06/2021

ED-243C MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS) - Status: Published - publication date: 28/06/2021

ED-223A Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for the Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication - Status: Published - publication date: 24/06/2022

ED-243D MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2024

ED-XXX MASPS for L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) for Data and Voice Communications - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

ED-242D MASPS for AMS(R)S Data and Voice Communications Supporting Required Communications Performance (RCP) and Required Surveillance Performance (RSP) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2024

ED-XXX MOPS for L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) for Data and Voice Communications - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

ED-243C Ch.1 MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS) - Status: Published - publication date: 26/09/2022

Chairperson: Radek Zaruba, Honeywell International s.r.o.

Secretary: Martina Angelone, European Space Agency - EGNOS Division

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

The EUROCAE Working Group 83 “Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection Systems” is tasked with developing specifications and guidance documents supporting airports to implement systems that deal with FOD detection.

ER-003 Definition and Taxonomy for Foreign Object Debris - Status: Published - publication date: 01/05/2013

ED-235A Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 10/04/2024

ED-274 OSED for Aerodrome Foreign Object Debris Detection Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 04/08/2020

Chairperson: Stephane Larose, Thales Global Services

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

The working group will develop navigation standards intended for designers, manufacturers, and installers of avionic equipment; airspace managers and service providers; and the users of these navigation systems for world-wide operations. The new MASPS will provide guidance for the development of airspace and operational concepts needed to obtain the benefits of enhanced navigation capability in the aircraft.

ED-323 Minimum Operational Performance Standards Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation - Status: Open consultation

ED-75E Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards - Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation - Status: Published - publication date: 24/06/2022

ED-75F Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards - Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation - Status: Open consultation

Chairperson: Okuary Osechas, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Secretary: Ricardo De Sousa, NATS

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

WG-92 is working to maintain the current ED-92B version up to date and synchronized with other VDL standards. ED-92 is used in the baseline for the certification of the avionics systems and has to be consistent with the expectations of the European DLS-IR mandate.
In addition, while working on ED-92B which currently only contains test cases for the avionics systems, WG-92 identified the need to add test cases related to ground systems requirements in order to ensure the interoperability of the VDL Mode 2 systems.
The group has to determine what these test cases are and determine how these new test cases could be integrated in the existing MOPS.
Finally, a VDL Connection-less mode is under study by the VDL working groups as it should improve the system performances and reliability. The on-going discussions may lead to VDL standards update (ICAO 9776, ARINC 631, MASPS & MOPS) and, in that frame, ED-92B should be impacted.
In order to reach this objective, WG-92 is working jointly with the AEEC Data Link (DLK) Systems Subcommittee and the RTCA SC-214 VDL Sub-Group. Each group is in charge of a set of VDL-related documents, which are interlinked but cover different aspects.

ED-xxx Signal-in-Space MASPS for Advanced VHF Digital Data Communications - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

ED-276A Guidance on Air to Ground VDL Mode 2 Interoperability - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

ED-92D MOPS for Aircraft VDL Mode 2 Physical Link and Network Layer - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

ED-92C Minimum Operational Performance Standard (MOPS) for an Airborne VDL Mode-2 System Operating in the Frequency Range 118-136.975 MHz - Status: Published - publication date: 03/10/2018

ED-276 Guidance on Air to Ground VDL Mode 2 Interoperability - Status: Published - publication date: 11/09/2020

Chairperson: Stephane PELLESCHI, Collins Aerospace

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

In addition to the compliance process specification, the working group shall develop a MOPS for a WAIC component that allows WAIC systems to safely co-exist with Radio Altimeters in the frequency band 4 200 – 4 400 MHz. The MOPS will allow WAIC systems to share the band with Radio Altimeters and other WAIC systems in a way that (a) the safe operation of Radio Altimeters is not compromised and (b) allows the worst-case performance of a WAIC system to be pre-determined.

ED-260A MASPS for Coexistence of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication Systems within 4 200-4 400 MHz - Status: Published - publication date: 26/07/2022

ED-319 MOPS for a Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication System - Status: Open consultation

ED-246 Process Specification for Wireless On-Board Avionics Networks - Status: Published - publication date: 21/07/2017

Chairperson: Uwe Schwark, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

Physical test-benches used in the aircraft development are complex platforms with high initial and recurrent costs. One means to alleviate these problems - Virtual Testing - is a promising solution that has already demonstrated its benefits in other industries (cell phone, etc.). However, in the avionics industry, it brings specific challenges: complex distributed systems, hardware heterogeneity, and multiple supplier infrastructures.
WG-97 ‘standardises’ the integration of virtual avionic components and enable the development of ‘plug and play’ virtual test benches.

ED-247B TS of Virtual Interoperable Simulation for Tests of Aircraft Systems in virtual or hybrid bench - Status: Published - publication date: 14/12/2023

ED-247A Technical Standard for Virtual Interoperable Simulation for Tests of Aircraft Systems in Virtual or Hybrid Bench - Status: Published - publication date: 01/04/2020

Chairperson: Olivier FOURCADE, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Secretary: Virginie Froute, DASSAULT AVIATION

Technical Programme Manager: Tri Thuc Nguyen, trithuc.nguyen@eurocae.net

WG-100 is tasked to develop standards for Remote and Virtual Towers, to assess previous work (eg SESAR, DFS, LFV, etc.) and develop a report that discusses the possibility of extending the scope of work beyond visual surveillance.

The current development of ED-240B shall consider the processing and integration of information produced by existing or emerging surveillance systems/sensors for use with Remote Tower optical systems. Systems/sensors include but are not limited to: PSR, SSR, SMR, WAM/MLAT and/or ADS-B. MASPS included in ED-240B will relate to enhanced performance of the [augmented] optical sensor presentation

ED-240C Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for Remote Tower Optical Systems - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2026

ED-240B Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for Remote Tower Optical Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 01/08/2023

Next meeting: 12/11/2024

Chairperson: Joern Jakobi, Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)

Secretary: Mark Edry, Collins Aerospace

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

WG-103 Independent Non-Cooperative Surveillance will develop a system agnostic Technical Specification for non-cooperative surveillance sensors – supplemented as necessary with technique (multi/bi-static or mono-static, passive and/or active) or frequency specific aspects (operating spectrum will influence the clutter and target modeling) that may necessitate annexes specific to different high-level sensor types. The Technical Specification will include guidelines to assist ANSPs procuring such Systems.

ED-288 Technical Specification (TS) for an Independent Non-Cooperative Surveillance (INCS) System - Status: Open consultation

Chairperson: Javier Ceballos Gutierrez, EUROCONTROL Colin Rogers, Thales Group

Secretary: Hannes Stahl, Hensoldt Sensors GmbH

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

WG-105 is tasked to develop standards and guidance documents that will allow the safe operation of UAS in all types of airspace, at all times and for all types of operations.

The work of WG-105 is organised in six Focus Teams working in a specific area. The current Focus Areas are:
•Detect and Avoid (DAA)
•Command, Control, Communication (C3)
•UAS Traffic Management (UAS)
•Design and Airworthiness Standards
•Enhanced RPAS Automation (ERA)
•Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA)

The work of the Focus Teams is coordinated by a Steering Committee to ensure consistency across their developments.

WG-105 works in coordination with RTCA SC-228 for Unmanned Aircraft Systems.



Next meeting: 26/11/2024

Chairperson: Alexandra Florin, Wing Aviation , Maurizio Goiak, LEONARDO SpA

Secretary: Akaki Kunchulia, Iris Automation

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

The WG-105 Steering Committee consists of the WG Leadership and Secretary, the Focus Team Leaders and other participants as required.



Next meeting: 26/11/2024

Chairperson: Alexandra Florin, Wing Aviation Maurizio Goiak, LEONARDO SpA

Secretary: Akaki Kunchulia, Iris Automation

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

The activities on Detect and Avoid (DAA) are performed by the SG-11, SG-12 and SG-13.


ED-329 Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Detect Avoid Traffic For Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in airspace Class A-G under IFR - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 28/06/2024

ED-330 Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Detect and Avoid For Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in Very Low Level Operations - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2024

ER-032 European Industry Position Report on RTCA SC-147 ACAS sXu - Status: Open consultation

ED-271A Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards For Detect And Avoid Traffic For Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems In Airspace Classes A-G Under IFR - Status: Open consultation

ED-313 OSED for Detect and Avoid (Traffic) in Class A to G Airspaces under IFR - Status: Published - publication date: 18/08/2023

ED-271 Corr 1 MASPS for DAA (Traffic) for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in Airspace Classes A-C under IFR - Status: Published - publication date: 01/06/2022

Chairperson: Bengt-Goran SUNDQVIST, Saab

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

The activities on C3 and Security are performed by the SG-21, SG-22 and SG-23.


ED-xxx MOPS for UAS Communications by Cellular Networks - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2023

ER-xxx UAS C2 MASPS European Stakeholders Report - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2023

ED-265 Minimum Operational Performance Standard for RPAS Command and Control Data Link (C-Band Satellite) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 29/03/2024

ED-xxx MASPS for management of the C-Band Spectrum in support of RPAS C2 Link services - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2021

ER-xxx Guidance on UAS C3 Security - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/05/2021

ED-xxx Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard on RPAS C3 Security - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/05/2021

ED-xxx Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for RPAS Command and Control Data Link - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2020

Chairperson: Boris Resnick, Flyvercity

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

The activities on UTM are performed by this Sub Group and SG-32.


ER-031 Report on Network Remote Identification exchange protocol between USSPs - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/04/2024

ED-269A MOPS For Geofencing - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/07/2024

ED-318 Technical Specification for Geographical Zones and U-Space data provision and exchange - Status: Published - publication date: 08/02/2024

ED-yyy Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Traffic Information Situation Dissemination Exchange - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2024

ED-yyy MOPS for Flight Planning and Authorisation Service for Global Awareness in UTM U Space - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 29/03/2024

ED-yyy Minimum Operational Performance Standard for U Space Geo Awareness Service - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2023

ED-xxx Technical standard on the interface between the UAS operator and the Network Identification Service - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 02/06/2025

ER-xxx Report on U-Space scenarios and use cases - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/04/2024

ED-xxx NID Data Exchange ICD for indirect exchanges between USSPs and between USSPs and Authorised Users - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

ED-270 Minimum Operational Performance Specification for UAS geo-caging - Status: Published - publication date: 23/06/2020

ED-282 Minimum Operational Performance Standard for UAS E-Reporting - Status: Published - publication date: 19/01/2022

ED-269 Minimum Operational Performance Standard for UAS Geo-Fencing - Status: Published - publication date: 02/06/2020

Chairperson: Juan Vicente Balbastre, Universitat Politècnica de València

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

The activities on Design and Airworthiness are performed by the SG-4.


ED-279 Generic Functional Hazard Assessment (FHA) for UAS and RPAS - Status: Published - publication date: 25/10/2020

ED-325 Vol. II Guidance document for Special Condition LUAS - Medium Risk - Volume 2 - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

ED-325 Vol. I Guidance Document for Special Condition Light - UAS - Medium Risk - Volume 1 - Status: Approval

ED-311 MOPS for Command Unit Core Layer of UAS to be operated in the EASA certified category of operations - Status: Approval

ED-272 Minimum Aviation Systems Performance Standard for Remote Pilot Stations supporting IFR operations into non-segregated airspace - Status: Published - publication date: 04/08/2020

ER-019 Inputs to RPAS AMC 1309 - Status: Published - publication date: 09/10/2018

Chairperson: Michel Allouche, Michel Allouche

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

The activities on Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) are performed by this Sub Group.


ED-xxx Guidelines for showing compliance with SAIL III and IV non-design related SORA OSOs - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/01/2025

ED-301 Guidelines for the Use of Multi-GNSS Solutions for UAS Specific Category - Low Risk Operations SAIL I and II - Status: Published - publication date: 01/09/2022

ED-xxx Guidelines for the use of multi-GNSS solutions for UAS - Medium Risk - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 28/06/2024

ED-280A Guidelines for UAS safety analysis for the Specific category (low and medium levels of robustness) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 29/03/2024

ED-xxx Guidelines for SAIL II application of SORA - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 29/12/2023

Chairperson: Antidio Viguria Jimenez, FADA-CATEC

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

WG-107 is tasked to revise the existing EUROCAE Document ED-57 “Minimum Performance Specification for Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/N and DME/P) – Ground Equipment” and to develop a new document “Minimum Aviation Systems Performance Specification (MASPS) for DME Infrastructure Supporting PBN Positioning”.

ED-57A MOPS for Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/N and DME/P) (Ground Equipment) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2025

ED-XXX MASPS for DME Infrastructure Supporting PBN Positioning - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/05/2025

Next meeting: 29/10/2024

Chairperson: Gerhard Emil Berz, EUROCONTROL

Secretary: Maurizio Scaramuzza, skyguide

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

Based on the inputs from ICAO, and in coordination with the AEEC IPS and RTCA SC-223 activities, EUROCAE WG-108 will determine what exactly is needed to ensure the deployment of ATN/IPS. In particular, ICAO will standardize the needed features for ATN/IPS such as Security, Addressing, Mobility… This will require providing guidance to ensure a consistent end-to-end deployment. The guidance document will ensure that the ATN/IPS deployment answers to the need in terms for safety, security and performance.

ED-262A Technical Standard of Aviation Profiles for Internet Protocol Suite - Status: Approval

ED-315 MASPS on ATN-IPS end-to-end interoperability and certification - Status: Published - publication date: 26/09/2023

ED-262 Technical Standard of Aviation Profiles for ATN/IPS - Status: Published - publication date: 17/09/2019

Chairperson: Stephane PELLESCHI, Collins Aerospace

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

Internationally, operating regulations on runway surface contamination are primarily set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), particularly through Annexes 6, 14 and 15 of the Convention on the International Civil Aviation. The said annexes set out recommendations on the information to be given to the flight crew on the type and thickness of contaminants present on runway surfaces. In line with the approved Terms of Reference (ToR), to define the performances expected from the systems and the way of verifying that the latter reach them, WG-109 is tasked to develop Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Runway Weather Information Systems.

ED-292A Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Runway Weather Information Systems - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

ED-XXX Guidance for the implementation and operation of Runway Weather Information Systems - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2026

ED-292 Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Runway Weather Information Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 09/12/2021

Chairperson: Bruno Bissigo Boggio, DGAC/DTA/STAC

Secretary: ,

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

WG-110 will develop MOPS for Class A Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems (HTAWS), analogous to fixed wing TSO-C151 Class A TAWS, in support of offshore helicopter operations. The justification for the tasking includes:
• Class A HTAWS is mandated for new aircraft first registered after 31 December 2018 under Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1199 of 22 July 2016 (SPA.HOFO.160(c)). This mandate may be extended to additional aircraft by EASA Rulemaking Task RMT.0708. The MOPS are required to form the basis of a technical standard to support the air operating rule mandate.
• It has been demonstrated that Class A HTAWS (provided with the “Classic Modes” defined in UK CAA CAP 1519) can provide a significant (four major accidents in UK operations alone could have been avoided) and very cost-effective (of the order of $20k per aircraft) improvement in the safety of offshore helicopter operations, and would address a number of UK AAIB Safety Recommendations. The MOPS will promote and facilitate the introduction of appropriate HTAWS.
The focus of the WG will be on offshore helicopter operations.

ED-316 MOPS for Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems (HTAWS) for Onshore Helicopter Operations - Status: Published - publication date: 04/01/2024

ED-285 Change 1 Minimum Operational Performance Standard for offshore Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (HTAWS) - Status: Published - publication date: 18/05/2022

ED-285 Minimum Operational Performance Standard for offshore Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (HTAWS) - Status: Published - publication date: 22/03/2021

Chairperson: Ishihara Yasuo, Honeywell International s.r.o.

Secretary: Mark Prior, CAA/SRG

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

The Working Group on Airport Collaborative Decision Making shall update the existing ED’s on A-CDM and take into account requirements on A-CDM from the PCP and put A-CDM in the appropriate context of A-SMGCS and SWIM. This activity is part of the EUROCAE Technical Work Programme and will be of benefit for all A-CDM airports and the whole network.

ED-145A Airport CDM Data Model Specification - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

ED-146A Guidelines for Test and Validation Related to Airport CDM Interoperability - Status: Open consultation

ED-141A Minimum Technical Specifications for Airport CDM Systems - Status: Open consultation

Chairperson: Segun Alayande, ACI EUROPE

Secretary: Ieyasu Sugimoto, ADB SAFEGATE

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

The Working Group on VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) shall develop the appropriate industry standards necessary as Acceptable Means of Compliance to support the EASA Special Condition on VTOL aircraft.
This activity is part of the EUROCAE Technical Work Programme and will be performed as a Pilot Project for the EUROCAE Lean process.



Next meeting: 19/11/2024

Chairperson: Lionel Tauszig, EASA Oliver Reinhardt, Volocopter GmbH

Secretary: , Gunnarson Tom, Wisk Javier Diana, EUROCAE

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

The WG-112 Steering Committee consists of the WG Leadership, EUROCAE and EASA as well as the WG-112 SG leaders.



Next meeting: 19/11/2024

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

WG-112 SG-1 will develop standards for VTOL-specific aspects of electrical systems


ED-296 Guidance on Design Assurance for High Voltage Standards and Power Quality for VTOL Applications - Status: Published - publication date: 30/05/2022

ED-328 Process Standard for crashworthiness test of battery systems for eVTOL applications - Status: Open consultation

ED-289 Guidance on determination of accessible Energy in Battery Systems for eVTOL Applications - Status: Published - publication date: 05/05/2021

ED-333 Technical Standard on Rechargeable Lithium Batteries in eVTOL applications - Status: Open consultation

ED-290 Guidance on High Voltage Definition and Consideration for Personal Safety - Status: Published - publication date: 13/12/2021

ED-312 Guidance on Determining Failure Modes in Lithium-Ion Cells for eVTOL Applications - Status: Published - publication date: 22/05/2023

ED-xxx Guidance on Common Cause Analysis of Lithium Ion Cells - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/06/2025

ED-289 Change 1 Guidance on determination of accessible Energy in Battery Systems for eVTOL Applications - Status: Published - publication date: 21/09/2021

Chairperson: Limhi Somerville, Vertical Aerospace

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

WG-112 SG-2 develops for VTOL-specific aspects for thrust / lift systems


ED-306 Design Considerations for VTOL Aircraft Protection From Uncontained High-Energy Fragments and Sustained Imbalance - Status: Published - publication date: 21/10/2022

ED-334 Guidance for Common mode analysis for lift - thrust system for VTOL enhanced category - Status: Open consultation

ED-XXX Guidance for Identification and Mitigation of eMotor Fire Risks - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/01/2025

Chairperson: Meunier Rene, SAFRAN

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

WG-112 SG-3 develops standards for VTOL-specific safety aspects


ED-300 Guidance on Conducting an Aircraft Functional Hazard Assessment and Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment for a VTOL Using a Generic Example - Status: Published - publication date: 07/11/2022

ED-305 Information Security Guidance for VTOL and Collaborative Systems - Status: Open consultation

ED-307 Guidance on the Demonstration of Acceptable Occupant Safety - Emergency Egress - Status: Published - publication date: 07/11/2022

ED-300A Guidance on conducting an AFHA and PASA for a VTOL using a generic example - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/12/2024

Chairperson: Philip Blagden, CAA/SRG

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

WG-112 SG-4 develops standards for VTOL-specific aspects of flight


ED-xxx VTOL Performance - Status: Approval

ED-xxx VTOL Cockpit configuration and Control Strategy - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/01/2025

ED-295 Guidance on VTOL Flight Control Handling Qualities Verification - Status: Published - publication date: 29/07/2024

ED-314 Compliance methodologies for VTOL certification in inadvertent icing and snow operation - Status: Published - publication date: 14/02/2024

ED-xxx Guidance on Using Simulation in Handling Qualities Certification of VTOL - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/01/2025

Chairperson: David Scorer, Lilium GmbH

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

WG-112 SG-5 develops standards for VTOL-specific aspects of ground infrastructure and airports


ED-299 Guidance for Vertiport Operators and Operations - Status: Published - publication date: 22/06/2022

ED-308 Guidance on VTOL Charging Infrastructure - Status: Published - publication date: 24/02/2023

ED-331 Guidance for the use of automated ground movement equipment to move VTOL aircraft with passengers onboard at vertiports and aerodromes - Status: Open consultation

Internal Report eVTOL charging - Status: Published

ED-xxx Guidance for the safe management of lithium-ion thermal runaway and other fires and their effects - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

ED-xxx Guidance for Vertiport Collaborative Decision Making (V-CDM) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

Chairperson: Giancarlo Silvestri, Skyports

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

WG-112 SG-6 develops standards for VTOL-specific aspects of Avionics


ED-xxx VTOL Minimum Flight Instruments – Display of parameter trends and limitations - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/01/2025

ED-298 Guidance on minimum Primary Flight Instruments for VTOL Aircraft - Status: Published - publication date: 23/03/2022

ED-309 Guidance on VTOL Energy Level Information Provided to the Crew - Status: Published - publication date: 02/02/2023

ED-xxx Guidance for the design of electronic checklists for use in VTOL aircraft - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/01/2024

Chairperson: Giuseppina Lana, LEONARDO SpA

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

WG-112 SG-9 will develop standards for VTOL-specific aspects of EM hazards.


ED-xxx Additional Considerations for EM Hazard Compliance due to Lightning Zoning for eVTOL and Urban Air Mobility Operations - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/12/2024

ED-xxx Additional Considerations for Electromagnetic Hazard Compliance due to HIRF for eVTOL and Urban Air - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 28/11/2025

Chairperson: Philip Blagden, CAA/SRG

Technical Programme Manager: Javier Diana, javier.diana@eurocae.net

The aviation industry is witnessing a revolution that will see integration of more electricity to power vehicles. One factor leading this revolution stems from environmental constraints (in order to lower the emissions): studies into the electrification of aircraft propulsion revealed the potential of reducing carbon footprint by 50% between 2005 and 2050 – supporting ACARE goals. This step-change in technology / architectures will require new ways of collaborating among airframers, engine manufacturers and system suppliers – and addressing the regulatory framework and means of compliance for these new architectures. Hybrid/Electric Aircraft promise to be one of the enablers in realizing ACARE Flightpath 2050 goals.

ED-321 Guidance material for endurance substantiation of Electric - Hybrid Propulsion Systems EHPS - Status: Published - publication date: 10/01/2024

ER-025 List of standardisation needs for Hybrid Electric Propulsion - Status: Published - publication date: 11/05/2022

ED-xxx Guidance material for durability substantiation of Electric - Hybrid Propulsion Systems EHPS - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

Chairperson: Sylvain clary, SAFRAN Eleni Vorgia, Rolls-Royce

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

The primary scope of this group is to prepare technical standards, guides and any other material required to support the development of systems and the certification of aeronautical systems implementing AI-technologies.

The objectives of the working group are to:
• Develop and publish a first technical report to establish a comprehensive statement of concerns versus the current industrial standards. This first deliverable should clarify the future scope of applicability and be released in the first six months.
• Develop and publish EUROCAE Technical Reports for selecting, implementing, and certifying AI technology embedded into and/or for use with aeronautical systems in both aerial vehicles and ground systems.
• Act as a key forum for enabling global adoption and implementation of AI technologies that embed or interact with aeronautical systems.
• Enable aerospace manufactures and regulatory agencies to consider and implement common sense approaches to the certification of AI systems, which unlike other avionics software, has fundamentally non-deterministic qualities.

ER-027 Artificial Intelligence in Aeronautical Safety-Related Systems Taxonomy - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/06/2024

ER-022 Artificial Intelligence in Aeronautical Safety-Related Systems Statement of concerns - Status: Published - publication date: 05/05/2021

ED-324 Process Standard for Development and Certification Approval of Aeronautical Products Implementing AI - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

ER-xxx Artificial Intelligence in Aeronautical Safety-Related Systems Use Cases Considerations - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

Chairperson: Christophe Gabreau, Airbus Group (Inactive) Fateh Kaakai, Thales Global Services

Secretary: Radoslaw Zakrzewski, Collins Aerospace

Technical Programme Manager: Tri Thuc Nguyen, trithuc.nguyen@eurocae.net

WG-115 is established to develop standards to support the safe and harmonised implementation of Counter-UAS Systems into airport and ANSP systems.

The scope of the WG is limited to surveillance, interoperability and interfaces with stakeholders involved in the C-UAS domain: e.g. ANSP, Airports, U-Space Service Providers, Surveillance Systems manufacturers, law enforcement forces, pilots…. Focus is on the detection and surveillance capabilities around the airfield, but C-UAS capability could be extended to operations in other environments, such as urban areas. The topic of cooperative targets detection is not to be addressed, but interaction with information from cooperative sensors should be included in the overall system assessment. Interoperability of the defeat capabilities with the airport and ANSP systems will be addressed.

Standards should describe the performance of the system (e.g. minimum level of detection required), interoperability and interfaces with stakeholders. General operational requirements and assumptions regarding the intended use and the expected users should first be established.

ED-286 OSED for Counter-UAS in controlled airspace - Status: Published - publication date: 19/03/2021

ED-xxx Interoperability Requirements for Counter-UAS systems - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

ED-322 System Performance and Interoperability Requirements for Non-Cooperative UAS Detection Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 18/12/2023

ED-286A OSED for Counter UAS Systems in Controlled Airspace - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

Chairperson: , Javier Ceballos Gutierrez, EUROCONTROL Assaf Monsa Chermon, D-Fend Solutions Ltd

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

The WG is tasked to define new standards for high voltage systems and components in aircraft. These standards are needed for the industry and the certification authorities to develop and certify new designs for electrical and hybrid aircraft, where electrical voltages will be much higher than the current standards.
Different aspects of the use of high voltage will need to be evaluated and the WG will need to identify what are the standardisation needs for high voltage.

ED-332 Interface Characteristics and Power Quality of Aircraft High Voltage Propulsive Electrical Systems - Status: Approval

ED-zzz Guidance for High Voltage Risk Mitigation at EWIS and Human Safety Level - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

ED-320 Aging mechanisms of electrical insulation materials in a high energy system - Status: Published - publication date: 05/02/2024

ED-xxx Test guidelines for electrical insulation materials and components for a high voltage system - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

Chairperson: Remy BIAUJAUD, SAFRAN

Secretary: Thierry M LEBEY, SAFRAN

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

WG-117 will develop the needed standards to support Aviation Software, inclusively addressing all aviation stakeholders.
This WG will work jointly with RTCA SC-240 and all documents produced will be published both by EUROCAE and RTCA as technically equivalent documents.
WG-117 will coordinate through a steering committee with WG-127 to avoid any conflicts and duplications.

ER-XXX Report on plans for deliverables and future work for the development of aviation software standards - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2024

Chairperson: Burak Ata, Helsing GmbH

Secretary: 0 Ann 0, Joby Aviation US

Technical Programme Manager: Tri Thuc Nguyen, trithuc.nguyen@eurocae.net

Leadership of WG-117



Chairperson: Burak Ata, Helsing GmbH

Secretary: Andy Hoag, Aireon

Technical Programme Manager: Tri Thuc Nguyen, trithuc.nguyen@eurocae.net

This Sub Group develops a document to integrate COTS, Open Source and Service History into Software.


ER-XXX Report on Product Service History - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2025

ED-XXXA Incorporation of Commercial Off the Shelf Software and Open-Source Software Supplement to ED-12C DO-178C and ED-109A DO-278A - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2027

ED-XXX Incorporation of Commercial Off the Shelf Software and Open-Source Software and Supplement to ED12C DO178C and ED109A DO278A - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/06/2024

Chairperson: Cyril Marchand, Thales Group

Secretary: Martha Blankenberger, Rolls-Royce

Technical Programme Manager: Tri Thuc Nguyen, trithuc.nguyen@eurocae.net

The Working Group shall maintain and enhance the MOPS for airborne flight recorders mandated by operational regulations and ICAO Annex 6 requirements aiming to provide the necessary data for accident investigation and prevention.

ED-112B Change1 Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems - Status: Open consultation

ED-112B Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 05/09/2023

ED-155A Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Lightweight Flight Recording Systems - Status: Open consultation

Chairperson: Griebel Hannes, CGI IT UK Ltd Jennifer Weiss, ACR Electronics

Secretary: Robin Hudson, DRS Technologies Canada Ltd.

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

WG-118 SG-1 develops a standard for Airborne Recorder Systems



Chairperson: Jennifer Weiss, ACR Electronics

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

WG-118 SG-2 UAS develops standards for flight recorders for UAS and RPAS


ED-xxx Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for Crash Protected Recording Systems for UAS - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 01/09/2024

Chairperson: Greg Moran, THE BOEING COMPANY

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

WG-118 SG-3 addresses provisions for testing, airborne image recordings, cockpit voice recordings, electrically powered aircraft, installations, flight data transmissions, flight crew interactions for Lightweight Flight Recording Systems.


ED-155A Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Lightweight Flight Recording Systems - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2025

Chairperson: Mark Ford, air accidents investigation branch

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

WG-118 have identified that there is a need to create dedicated SG-4 "Virtual Flight Recorder Data Recovery Systems" to produce MASPS for virtual flight recorder data recording (VFDR) solutions that store data transmitted by aircraft in a cloud-based environment as an acceptable means of compliance with GADSS provisions, incident and accident investigations.


IR-XXX Internal Report for the Introduction to Cloud based Flight Recording Services (VFDR) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/07/2024

ED-xxx MASPS for Virtual Flight Recorder Data Recording Services (VFDR) - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2026

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

Updated MOPS shall address the RA robustness against the existing and planned future RF environment. This future RF environment (refer schematic above) is combining all the following interferences concurrently:
• Interferences at the edges of the RA band (3800-4400MHz) and (4400-5000MHz) including anticipated futures modulations and signal strength
• Interferences within the RA band (4200-4400MHz) including: other RAs interference on board the a/c, other RAs off board the a/c, WAIC systems and any other system within RA band that are located off board the a/c, WAIC systems and any other system within RA band that are located on board the a/c,
• Out of RA band interferences that could potentially have an indirect effect on the RA due to: level of signal, modulation, potential harmonics, RA antenna potential weakness (susceptibility), RA design potential weakness (resonance).

To meet this goal particular attention should be paid on
• Operational assumptions (Worst case a/c operational scenarios, worst case RF scenarios…)
• Interferences level assumptions (possible Modulations, Signal Strength, possible bandwidth, antenna pattern…)
• Technical characteristics of RA (Maximum input level of interference the RA equipment has to support, RA Antenna pattern within and outside RA band, RA Noise Floor level, RA chirp bandwidth, IF Bandwidth, Change Rate, Power emissions, Modulations…)

The last but not the least, RA is designed under the highest level of safety requirements. As a consequence a particular attention should also be paid on the definition of appropriate margins.

WG-119 will work jointly with RTCA SC-239.

The current ED-30 and DO-155 are not technically identical; one of the aims of this revision is to align these documents and to develop technically identical documents (ED-30A/DO-155A), which will supersede the current ED-30 and DO-155.

ED-30A MOPS for Low Range Radar Altimeters - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2024

ED-310 Standard Guidance Document on Radar Altimeter RF Interference Rejection and Tolerance - Status: Approval

Chairperson: ROBIN Jeanluc, Airbus Group (Inactive)

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

The latest developments in Europe in support to the modernisation of ATM led to the development of 2 important documents, the Airspace Architecture Study report and the European ATM Master Plan, 2020 edition whose subtitle is “Digitalising Europe’s Aviation Infrastructure”. The AAS Transition Plan provided more details on the timeline and the required elements to progress towards this digitalisation.
One of the key common elements of these strategic documents is to implement virtualisation, automation and digitalisation of ATM, in particular via virtual centres.
Virtual centre technologies and concepts are expected to support the increase of resilience and adaptability of the European ATM Network in terms of capacity and cost efficiency. Internationally agreed standards are needed to support the successful implementation of virtual centres.

The WG is tasked to develop standards and related deliverables to support the implementation of the virtual centre concept.

This activity is covered by the TWP 2020, section 4.3.

ED-XXX Virtual Centre - Guidelines for Implementation - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/03/2026

ER-026 Virtual Centre Standardisation - Status: Published - publication date: 14/02/2022

ER-029 Taxonomy of Services for Virtual Centres - Status: Published - publication date: 29/01/2024

Chairperson: Nicolas Suarez Tetzlaff, ENAIRE

Secretary: Carole Dupre, Egis Avia Isabel Franke, Egis Aviation UK Prachi Shekhar, Egis Aviation UK

Technical Programme Manager: Alex Milns, alex.milns@eurocae.net

The WG is intended to provide guidance to ensure that the radio frequency (RF) characteristics of aeronautical Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) systems use the spectrum efficiently while respecting the necessary safety margins. The guidance is intended to facilitate any future evaluation of compatibility with other systems and ensure that the usage of the allocated spectrum is as efficient as possible, fully taking into account the specificities of aeronautical CNS systems. The deliverables are envisaged to be referenced by EASA, other CAAs, ICAO, and national/international spectrum regulators, as appropriate, in guidance material for aviation systems.

In doing so, WG-124 is tasked to:
• maintain close relationship with ICAO FSMP and ICNSS task force
• Work jointly with RTCA SC-242 to ensure consistency between EUROCAE and RTCA standards related to spectrum;
• provide background information on aerospace industry constraints to other spectrum users.
• develop and maintain close relationship with European and international aviation and spectrum agencies.

ED-XXX Spectrum Guidance for Developers of Standards for Aviation Radio Frequency Systems - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/12/2025

ER-028 Survey of Radio Frequency (RF) Performance Standards for Aeronautical RF Systems - Status: Published - publication date: 29/11/2023

ER-XXX Report for Aeronautical RF Systems their Regulatory Framework and Operational Considerations - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/10/2024

Next meeting: 13/11/2024

Chairperson: John Micallef, EUROCONTROL

Technical Programme Manager: Mark Watson, mark.watson@eurocae.net

The Next Generation Aviation Professionals (NGAP) Programme is an initiative, which was introduced by ICAO in 2009 to ensure that sufficient qualified and competent aviation professionals would be available to operate, manage, and maintain the future international air transport system.
WG-125 was created to support the aviation industry with the expected personnel shortages. Through this WG, EUROCAE aims to engage with members in the aviation industry, universities and students, organisations that work on a similar topic, and act as facilitator in encouraging industry-university collaboration.
It is important to note that the NGAP Programme is particularly important in this time, despite shifting priorities and the COVID-19 pandemic. Technological advancements continue to occur, and personnel must be trained to cope with these changes and competent youth must be attracted into the industry to ensure continuous workflow and avoid the forecasted shortage of personnel in the future. Steps must be taken to ensure that sufficient qualified and competent aviation professionals are available to maintain and develop the aviation industry. This is especially critical, given that a large contingent of the current generation aviation professional will soon retire, access to affordable training and education is increasingly problematic, and aviation competes with other industry sectors for highly skilled professionals.



Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

Attracting and retaining students and youth in the aviation industry is a key objective of the EUROCAE NGAP Programme, and mentoring can greatly influence this. This SG will describe the importance of good mentoring, important characteristics and profiles for mentors, managing expectations from mentees, indicators of a successful mentorship, ways to match mentors and mentees, benefits of formal versus informal mentoring opportunities, and list factors that could derail a successful mentorship.


ER-XXX Best practices for mentoring students and young professionals - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/10/2023

Chairperson: Ryan Pecoraro, Wisk

Secretary: Julija Razmislaviciene, FoxATM

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

Collaboration between universities and industries would greatly benefit students and youth who wish to pursue a career in the aviation industry. This report will explain the benefits of such collaboration, identify ways to encourage dialogue between these actors, provide several means to collaborate, identify ways to ensure that curriculum development is in line with technological advancements, discuss skills development, skills assessment, and skills maintenance, explain how exploratory research can be collaborative and the benefits of this method, as well as discuss the need to maintain a central place that lists university courses, ongoing projects at organisations and offers the possibility to register interest.


ER-XXX Guidelines to foster collaboration among aviation stakeholders and educational institutions - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 31/10/2023

Chairperson: Cate Bichara, skyguide

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

ATC Systems and VCS represent the base combination required for an effective and efficient control of the air traffic assigned to operators. Although these elements are intended to be working together, the one defining the three-dimensional position and identification of an aircraft in the airspace, the other allowing communication to pilots, there is today no standard integration between them.
Besides aircraft position, the ATC system collects a number of other information elements through the protocol between aircraft and ground radar station. If made available, such information could be useful for a better usage of the communication infrastructure, allowing rationalisation of radio stations and permitting a punctual selection of the right communication satellite link between ATCO and pilot. Vice versa, the indication/highlighting on the air situation display of the aircraft whose pilot is currently speaking would increase the ATCO situational awareness.
A standard in this area would therefore be very beneficial because it provides large benefits to ATCOs having greater situational awareness, reducing their workload and increasing the overall flight safety. Such a standard would therefore bridge the ATM and ATC worlds, by integrating and exchanging information that are today available to ATCOs, but on separate systems.



Chairperson: Roberto Ugo Weger, SITTI

Secretary: Iuliana Lungu, R.A. ROMATSA

Technical Programme Manager: Alexander Engel, alexander.engel@eurocae.net

The regulatory framework for UAS is being developed. EASA recently released additional information on their plan for certifying UAS by defining the certified, specific, and open categories. While the certified UAS category is aligned with the DO-178C/ED-12C document suite for development, the open category does not have a software development standard needed for use and deployment and the specific category does not currently have a comprehensive compliant development standard identified to provide assurance as to the safe operations of the UAS.
The continued release of information on UAS development and UAS operations by EASA provides an opportunity for a new software development standard that will be tailored to lower-risk UAS applications and the specific category defined by EASA.
Moreover, certain lower-risk applications within the general aviation (GA) community might also benefit from a simplified software development methodology.

ER-33 Rationale for a Software Development Assurance Standard for Lower-risk Aviation Applications - Status: Published - publication date: 11/06/2024

ED-xxx Software Development Assurance for Lower-risk Aviation Applications - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2025

Chairperson: Kurt Schueler, Garmin Ltd. Umut Durak, Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)

Secretary: Stephan Thesing, Rolls-Royce

Technical Programme Manager: Tri Thuc Nguyen, trithuc.nguyen@eurocae.net

In April 2000, the ED-80 document entitled “Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware” prepared by Working Group 46 “Electronic hardware” was published.
This ED-80 standard (as its counterpart RTCA DO-254) has been widely used and has proven to be efficient as guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware (AEH) certification. It is recognized as an Acceptable Means of Compliance by Airworthiness Authorities (EASA via AMC 20-152A and FAA via AC 20-152A) for a large number of projects, providing a process-oriented framework, and associated recognized guidance for multiple topics/activities such as requirement-based verification , safety, and development assurance approaches.
Thanks to this field exposition over many years through its application on certified programs, jointly with A(M)C 20-152A, several improvements, clarifications or complements to the ED-80 standard were raised by Authorities or industry that may need to be captured while recognizing that maintaining the harmonization of certification requirements and guidance material among Authorities is a strong expectation from industry members.
In addition, as Airborne Electronic Hardware (AEH) technology is evolving quickly, some topics of the original ED-80 may need to be clarified or updated or may even need additional guidance (new technologies to be integrated : multicores, model based development)
WG-128 shall update ED-80 and develop new standards as required, related to the design assurance and certification of Airborne Electronic Hardware, in coordination with RTCA.

IR Strategy for the updating of ED-80 Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net

EUROCAE Working Group (WG) 94 produced a Technical Report in 2015 which discussed, at high level, the basic concept of a Take Off Performance Monitoring (TOPM) System. The group concluded that the requirement for a MOPS/MASPS should be reviewed in the medium term (3-5 years). WG-94 was closed in 2015.
The UK CAA received a safety recommendation from a UK AAIB Serious Incident Report (AAIB-27895) relating to a take-off performance issue.
The Serious Incident Report concludes that a UK registered aircraft took off from a runway with insufficient power selected and, although the aircraft became airborne, it used up much more of the runway length than intended. Fortunately, there was sufficient runway to enable the aircraft to reach its rotation speed and lift off. During the climb out, the crew realised their mistake and applied full power. A total of 32 similar events involving have occurred in the last 5 years and AAIB identified these events in their Serious Incident Report (refer to Appendix A of the UK AAIB Serious Incident Report).
At present there are no operational or aviation performance requirements relating to TOPM.
In order to facilitate the introduction of a TOPM System, a minimum operational performance standard (MOPS) and/or a minimum aviation system performance standard (MASPS) is needed to enable the certification authorities establish equipment standards (E-TSO) and certification requirements. WG-129 shall develop these standards and any other required standards to support TOPM implementations.

IR-xxx Technology Assessment of Take Off Performance Monitoring (TOPM) Systems to inform EUROCAE - Status: Draft - Publication target date: 30/09/2024

Chairperson: Thomas Landers, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation

Technical Programme Manager: Esther Hoyas, esther.hoyas@eurocae.net